Streamline Inventory Tracking with Business Central for SMBs

Solution Systems, Inc.
4 min readMar 30, 2023


Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in retail frequently struggle to manage their warehouses and stockrooms, with inventory tracking presenting a substantial obstacle. The problems they face include:

  • Absence of real-time visibility: Many SMBs continue to rely on manual tracking methods, such as spreadsheets, which result in mistakes and restricted visibility into their inventory levels.
  • Trouble predicting demand: Small and medium-sized businesses frequently struggle to predict product demand, resulting in stockouts or overstocks.
  • Seasonal fluctuations: Inventory management amid seasonal demand spikes can be difficult for SMBs.
  • Inefficient processes: Manual inventory tracking procedures are time-consuming, labor-intensive, and error-prone.

These obstacles can result in stockouts, overstocks, and lost sales, negatively affecting enterprises.

Complete Dynamics 365 Business Central Solution

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is an all-in-one, cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) system built primarily for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) aiming to streamline operations and accelerate growth. Business Central helps SMEs by consolidating fundamental business processes including finance, sales, customer support, project management, and supply chain management.

The sophisticated platform not only enables businesses to obtain visibility into their operations in real time, but also to make data-driven decisions, increase productivity, and react to ever-changing market needs. Core Business Central functions for inventory managers include:

  • Advanced inventory tracking features: Business Central offers real-time visibility into inventory levels, extensive inventory management capabilities, and comprehensive tracking choices.
  • Unified business tools: This complete system encompasses all facets of business operations, including finance, sales, purchasing, and project management.
  • Versatile deployment options: SMEs have the option of on-premise or cloud-based implementation, which offers scalability, accessibility, and increased protection.

With Business Central, SMBs may streamline operations, decrease expenses, and boost productivity while taking advantage of real-time insights, fewer manual data input errors, scalability, and customizability.

The WMS Express Streamlining Tracking of Inventory

Small and medium-sized businesses will profit from the WMS Express app for Business Central due to its capacity to streamline warehouse operations, increase efficiency, and decrease errors. As a free app, it integrates seamlessly and supports a variety of devices. With its mobile device connectivity and barcode scanning capabilities, WMS Express saves time and improves the precision of warehouse management.

WMS Express from Insight Works simplifies inventory tracking for SMEs by offering:

  • Seamless interface with Business Central to ensure data flow and synchronization between the warehouse and ERP system.
  • Integration of mobile devices, allowing warehouse personnel to access real-time inventory data, manage tasks, and conduct transactions while on the move.
  • Barcode scanning support for both 1D and 2D barcodes, which expedites inventory tracking, minimizes human data entry, and decreases the probability of errors.
  • Customized solutions for various business requirements, allowing SMBs to choose the version of WMS Express that best meets their warehouse operations and requirements.
  • Interoperability with a wide variety of hardware, providing device choice flexibility and enabling SMBs to leverage current equipment or select new devices that meet their budgetary and operational requirements.
  • Streamlined warehouse procedures, including inventory put-aways, picks, and warehouse document management, that maximize warehouse efficiency and production.

By utilizing WMS Express, SMBs may better manage their inventory, enhance warehouse operations, and ultimately save time and money, allowing them to focus on business growth.

Choosing an Appropriate Mobile Device for Barcode Scanning

Beginning the process of integrating mobile computers into your SMB may appear difficult at first, but rest assured that getting started is much simpler than you may anticipate. As technology continues to progress, setting up and utilizing mobile computers has become more user-friendly, and their benefits to organizations of all kinds are clear. Consider the following considerations:

  1. Ruggedness: Assess the device’s durability in relation to the working environment.
  2. Drop resistance: Devices with a higher drop standard are more durable and appropriate for busy warehouses.
  3. IP rating: For locations with dust, dampness, or freezing conditions, select a device with an IP rating.
  4. Scan range: Assess the distance from which you will be required to scan barcodes.
  5. Camera: Built-in cameras are handy for documenting damaged goods and other purposes.
  6. Form factor: Consider physical characteristics such as a keypad, pistol grip, or wearable device.
  7. Price: Invest on a gadget with the necessary features rather than a less expensive alternative that is insufficient.

Smartphones may appear to be a simple solution for warehouse barcode scanning, but they frequently fall short in terms of efficiency and dependability. Smartphones lack the rigorous scanning capabilities, endurance, and battery life necessary for warehouse environments. Investing in barcode scanning devices is the better option for ensuring warehouse operations run smoothly and efficiently.

Work with a Microsoft Partner to deploy Business Central and WMS Express.

Hiring Microsoft Partners like as Solution Systems, Inc. to deploy Business Central and WMS Express provides SMBs with important experience for a streamlined deployment and custom solutions. Our alliance improves the efficiency with which SMBs achieve long-term success by accelerating ROI, reducing risk, and ensuring continued support. Solution Systems, Inc. provides:

  1. Knowledge and experience: Comprehensive knowledge and experience deploying Business Central and WMS Express.
  2. Customization: adapting Business Central and WMS Express to fit particular business requirements.
  3. Ongoing Support: Help with upgrades, maintenance, and technical issues.
  4. Training and education: To maximize software investment, training and education should include on-site training, online resources, and workshops.
  5. Availability of new features and upgrades: Maintain a competitive advantage by keeping abreast of the newest technologies and features.

Getting Started with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and WMS Express

Create a free Business Central trial account on our website. Install WMS Express from AppSource and immediately begin using it. For maximum results, use a mobile device with a built-in barcode scanner or download the WMS Express app to your smartphone.

Dynamics 365 Business Central and WMS Express can assist SMBs in resolving inventory tracking issues and streamlining operations. See the video below or contact Microsoft Partner Solution Solutions, Inc. for additional information.



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